Winner of the Ulrich-Babel-Award:
Year | Name | Place of institute |
2019 | Callum Banfield | Göttingen |
2019 | Steffen Schlüter | Halle |
2015 | Thomas Bauer | Wien |
The German Soil Science Society (DBG) awards the Ulrich Babel Prize to young scientists on the basis of an outstanding dissertation or publication in the field of German soil science.
Ulrich - Babel - Award
The prize is awarded every two years, consists of a certificate and is endowed with ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EUROS. The prize will be awarded by the President of the DBG at a suitable event and announced in the NACHRICHTEN der DEUTSCHEN BODENKUNDLICHEN GESELLSCHAFT and on the DBG home page.
§ 2
"Image science" can be understood in the sense of the founder as the scientific application of imaging techniques. This includes all light- and electron-optical methods, from microscopy to satellite-based remote sensing, as long as the measured values can be spatially related to the undisturbed ground.
§ 3
The award shall be presented by the President of the DBG at an event suitable for the award ceremony. The award winner shall give a public lecture on his/her work on the basis of the award. In the case of publications, the prize may be shared if the work was produced in close co-operation between several scientists.
§ 4
Proposals for the award of the prize can only be submitted by DBG members to the President of the DBG.